Sr.No. | Department | Headline | SR_NO | FOLDERNAME | FILENAME | Title |
| Accounts |
Regarding Addendum to Quotation Notice No 04 Dated 03.02.2025
| 4091 | K. 4879 | DOCUMENT 87.PDF | Regarding Addendum to Quotation Notice No 04 Dated 03.02.2025 |
| Accounts |
Quotation Notice for appointment of Internal Auditor for the FY 2024-25
| 4068 | K. 5736 | DOCUMENT 84.PDF | Quotation Notice for appointment of Internal Auditor for the FY 2024-25 |
| Accounts |
Addendum to Quotation Notice -Appointment of Tax Auditor for FY 2024-25
| 4064 | K. 8885 | DOCUMENT 83.PDF | Addendum to Quotation Notice -Appointment of Tax Auditor for FY 2024-25 |
| Accounts |
Quotation for appointment of income tax auditor for the financial year 2024-25
| 4019 | K. 4361 | DOCUMENT 80.PDF | Quotation for appointment of income tax auditor for the financial year 2024-25 |
| Accounts |
Publication of Limited Reviewed Financial Report for quarter ending on 30th September 2024( Q-2 Accounts of FY 2024-25)
| 3938 | K. 3737 | SBPDCL Q2 (FY 2024-25).PDF | Publication of Limited Reviewed Financial Report for quarter ending on 30th September 2024( Q-2 Accounts of FY 2024-25) |
| Accounts |
Audited Financial Statements For FY 2023-24
| 3820 | K. 9378 | FINANCIAL STATEMENT FY 2023-24.PDF | Audited Financial Statements For FY 2023-24 |
| Accounts |
Publication of Limited Reviewed Financial Report for quarter ending on 30th June 2024(Q-1 Accounts of FY 2024-25)
| 3749 | K. 6136 | Q1 REC FORMAT FOR FY 2024-25.PDF | Publication of Limited Reviewed Financial Report for quarter ending on 30th June 2024(Q-1 Accounts of FY 2024-25) |
| Accounts |
Sealed Quotation Is invited From Reputed Technically & Financially Sound Experienced Chartered Accountants /Legal Firms for Providing GST Conultancy Services in SBPDCL for the Period of 01 October,2024 to 30 September,2025 Vide Q No.01 Dated 23.08.2024
| 3739 | K. 4637 | 01.PDF | Sealed Quotation Is invited From Reputed Technically & Financially Sound Experienced Chartered Accountants /Legal Firms for Providing GST Conultancy Services in SBPDCL for the Period of 01 October,2024 to 30 September,2025 Vide Q No.01 Dated 23.08.2024 |
| Accounts |
Reg. Form No.- 16 of FY. 2023-24, Vide U.O.I No.- 69 Dated- 28-06-2024
| 3621 | K. 9286 | 69.....PDF | Reg. Form No.- 16 of FY. 2023-24, Vide U.O.I No.- 69 Dated- 28-06-2024 |
| Accounts |
Publication of Limited Reviewed Financial Report for Qtr Ending on 31st March,24 ( Q-4 Accounts of FY 2023-24)
| 3522 | K. 5477 | Q4_COMPRESSED.PDF | Publication of Limited Reviewed Financial Report for Qtr Ending on 31st March,24 ( Q-4 Accounts of FY 2023-24) |
| Accounts |
Publication of Limited Reviewed Report for Quarterly Accounts (Q-3 for FY 2023-2024) of SBPDCL
| 3346 | K. 9426 | QUARTER -III FORMAT_MERGED.PDF | Publication of Limited Reviewed Report for Quarterly Accounts (Q-3 for FY 2023-2024) of SBPDCL |
| Accounts |
Regarding Quotation Notice No.-02 Dated- 05.12.2023
| 3187 | K. 3761 | QUOTATION NOTICE.PDF | Regarding Quotation Notice No.-02 Dated- 05.12.2023 |
| Accounts |
Publication of Limited review report for Quarterly account (Q-2 for F.Y. 2023-24) of SBPDCL.
| 3178 | K. 3400 | QUARTER-II FORMAT.PDF | Publication of Limited review report for Quarterly account (Q-2 for F.Y. 2023-24) of SBPDCL. |
| Accounts |
Publication of Limited Reviewed Report for Quarterly Accounts (Q-1 for F.Y. 2023-24) of SBPDCL
| 3104 | K. 5688 | FINAL Q1 FY 2023-24 WITH REVIEW REPORT.PDF | Publication of Limited Reviewed Report for Quarterly Accounts (Q-1 for F.Y. 2023-24) of SBPDCL |
| Accounts |
Regarding of vide quotation no 01 dated 26-09-2023
| 3101 | K. 2790 | QUOTATION 01.PDF | Regarding of vide quotation no 01 dated 26-09-2023 |
| Accounts |
Corrigendum of Quotation vide Notice No.-01 dated-26/09/23
| 3102 | K. 8776 | CORRIGENDUM.PDF | Corrigendum of Quotation vide Notice No.-01 dated-26/09/23 |
| Accounts |
Audited Financial Statement for FY 2022-23
| 3094 | K. 6892 | AUDITED ANNUAL ACCOUNTS FOR FY 2022-23.PDF | Audited Financial Statement for FY 2022-23 |
| Accounts |
Financial Report for the Quarter ended on 30th June 2023(Q1 2023-24)
| 3018 | K. 6811 | FY 2023-24 Q1.PDF | Financial Report for the Quarter ended on 30th June 2023(Q1 2023-24) |
| Accounts |
Q4 Unaudited Accounts for FY-2022-23
| 2832 | K. 8806 | PDF.PDF | Q4 Unaudited Accounts for FY-2022-23 |
| Accounts |
Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) for Insurance Coverage of Assets And Properties of South Bihar Power Distribution Company Limited.
| 2693 | K. 3534 | NOTICE_SBPDCL.PDF | Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) for Insurance Coverage of Assets And Properties of South Bihar Power Distribution Company Limited. |